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Content + More Content=SEO

The two biggest factors in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) are relevance and authority. You may have heard the myth that social media marketing has no influence on SEO, but that is flat out wrong. Social media marketing helps to build your brand’s relevance and authority in a big way.

Amidst all the confusion surrounding the two topics, content experts are consistently pointing out the link between the two subjects.

It’s quite simple, SEO requires your brand to have content, to have an online presence. Social media is a big part of a brands “presence.”

Posting links to your brand’s website on your social media channels gets you clicks. Clicks are important to Google, the more people flocking to your site, the higher you rank.

If you use social media for reputation management and to build your brand, it increases engagement with your channels and website. To Google’s algorithm’s it appears that you are relevant to and have authority in your field.

SEO also requires you to use keywords. You can test and develop the keywords your brand may use on social media, and then use them on your channels to boost your search rankings. Using these keywords will optimize your social media posts for searches.

Also, for local businesses, if you are involved in your local community on your social channels, Google will favor you as a result for customer’s in your area

There is also reason to believe that brands with content that is frequently shared on social media are perceived to have more authority in their field, and therefore will be ranked higher by search engines.

SEO can be complicated, but the professional writers at Hospitality Connections, a social media marketing business in Rochester, New York, has over 40 years of marketing experience dealing with social media and SEO. Trust us to get your brand to the top of your customer’s search queries.

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